Teas Available

You can find the tea blends listed below at the flower stands on 8 Manor Brook Road in Monkton and, starting in August, 2022 Baldwin Mill Road in Fallston, Friday-Sunday. While inventory at these locations will change, feel free to email to request a certain tea, herb, or other herbal product. We can then arrange a pick-up time and location. In addition to the blends below, the following herbs are available in .2 or .4 ounce packages (while home-grown supplies last–though organically-sourced herbs from other vendors will be available).

  • Bergamot
  • Calendula
  • Catnip
  • Chamomile
  • Comfrey
  • Echinacea (leaf and root)
  • Elecampane root
  • Feverfew
  • Marshmallow leaf
  • Marshmallow root
  • Mullein
  • Lavender
  • Rosemary
  • Toothache button*
  • Thyme
  • Yarrow


To learn more about what you can do with these herbs (in addition to making teas), see my page on Making Tinctures. You can also arrange for an herbalist consultation to learn about the actions of these plants and how they can support your health. 

*The toothache button, sometimes called the “electric daisy,” is a unique herb! This flowering plant (Acmella oleracea), native to Brazil, develops plump yellow flowers  resembling buttons. It has been used medicinally to numb tooth pain due to flavonoids that inhibit the perception of pain. These buttons have recently become popular in “electric” cocktails, due to their buzz.



The following blends are available in .2 or .4 ounce packages, for $5 and $10, respectively.

Mint Medley

This blend includes a medley of herbs in the mint family–Peppermint, Lemonbalm, and Bergamot–and is great for a cooling, relaxing summer tea. Bergamot, a key ingredient in Earl Grey tea (where it complements the black tea), gives this blend a rich undertone.

A great tea for supporting digestion.



This floral blend is good for anyone overwhelmed with stress and anxiety! It contains Tulsi Holy Basil, Lemonbalm, Chamomile, Skullcap, and Rose–herbs that support the nervous system, promote mental clarity and relaxation, uplift the mood, and restore joy.  The Holy Basil and Rose make this tea surprisingly sweet. According to herbalist Robin Rose Bennett, “Rose is truly the flower of love. If we don’t come at the challenges facing us from a place of love, we’re not going to get very far.”

A great tea for relaxation at the end of the day.

Detox and Immunity Boost

This blend contains herbs aimed at cleansing the blood and lymphatic system and detoxifying the liver while also boosting the immune system. These include Red Clover, Calendula, Echinacea, Dandelion Leaf, and Stinging Nettle. 

A great tea for cleansing your system.

Headache Tea

This tea contains several herbs– Lemonbalm, Feverfew, Peppermint, and Lavender–that can assist with various effects of headaches. In combination, these herbs can help to address both nausea and pain, while also relaxing the nervous system.

A great tea to sip on a headachy day.

Rosemary and Thyme

This classic culinary combo, made famous by  Simon and Garfunkel, can be used in many dishes and holiday meals. Together, these herbs have additional actions in the body that aid with digestion and combat bacterial or viral infections.

A great addition to your spice rack.

Respiratory Tea

This tea includes herbs aimed at supporting the respiratory system during cold and flu season. These include Peppermint, Thyme, Echinacea, Elderberry, and Mullein. This combination can boost your immune system at the start of a cold; however, if the virus has moved into your chest, the mullein will support the lungs.

A great tea to have on hand during cold and flu season.

Custom Tea Blends

Can you drink herbal teas every day? While there are certainly some herbs you would not want to consume on a daily basis, there are others that will work optimally when consumed over longer periods of time. These teas, known as tonics, work to restore and support the functions of the body. Each person may be served optimally by an entirely unique tonic tea blend–one that meets their individual taste and constitutional preferences, the needs of their physiological systems, and other aspects of health and wellbeing. To set up a consultation for the creation of a customized tonic tea blend, send me an email at katy@katysteas.com.